Thursday 14 November 2013


Many times I found that, the children don’t get chance/permission to talk in front of adults.  Because the adults thinks that the children are those who are not in age to talk as well for the adults the children are the tension or boring person of life because when child speaks which is not the subject or matter of them.

When child talk in the school, that time the teachers are feel that why children are talk so much? They try to make them silent. If anybody talks so they get punishment against it. But in reality in the context of the government school the teachers has lots of work to do, so they irritate with the burden of work, they need silence but in the class the children talks one at a time and the teachers are not in the situation to listen  anybody at one time. One more factor is that the teachers may not understand the psychology of the child that the talking is the natural process of the child they don’t able to silent. Within few minute of the silent the children starts talking. The children likes to talk, they don’t feel bored to talk.

Actual in the school the child needs to give time to talk other than the periods of the subject. When there is time for the talk for the children in the school they feel good in the school and even they likes to come regularly in the school. If we keep they shut up, they irritate with it and feel to go to out of school before ringing the bell. In the schools of the serawara or barothi  or antarsoba or bhuvali when there is time  for ringing the bell the children is ready with their bag to go out of the class, as bell rings the children are running with forcefully which I felt that they are participate in the running race.

The children may feel that, thank God! We are out of the jail!

बातचीत करना यह एक ऐसा माध्यम है की जिससे, बच्चे अपने आप को मानसिक रूप से विकसित करते है| उसमे यह होता है की, बच्चे चीजोके के बारे में सोचना, उनके उपर निष्कर्ष देना, ताल मेल बिठाना, यादोंको दोहराना, दो चीजोंका आपसी सबन्ध बिठाना, विश्लेषण करना, जिस चीज पर अभी तक ध्यान नहीं दिया उस पर ध्यान देना, विचारोंका आदान  प्रदान करना, भविष्यवाणी करना, दूसरोंकी भावना या उनके अनुभवोंकी कल्पना करना, स्वय की भावनाओं या उसके अनुभवोंकी कल्पना करना और उससे भी एक ओर बात होती है की अपने भाषा को विकसित करते है जो उनके बोली भाषा से मानक भाषा तक पोहचती है| (बच्चे की भाषा और अध्यापक  कृष्ण कुमार)

The teachers as well as parents needs to understand the importance of the child conversations and its advantage of development of the child. So they need to listen kids when he/she talks instead of stopping or restrict them to talk. So when we stop the kids to talk we are not able to understand them that how they think, their likes/dislikes, behavior pattern etc. While listen to the kid there will be the healthy interaction will take place and also the relationship will develop too among adults.

There are strategy to involve the children the interaction process

1.      Talk about self

Talk about the family and past life which helps to relate their life with textbooks to help in the learning

2.      Talk about the school experience

3.      Discussion on the pictures

Pictures of the newspapers, calendars, notebook, textbooks, tickets, labels, clothes, vessels, posters, etc

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