Monday 11 November 2013

Collaborative Peer Learning..................

1.       What is collaborative peer learning
·         Interaction and talking with each other is natural process of learning
Eg. Before going to school, we learn language through interaction with family members, environment etc
·         NCF (2005)says, “learning takes place through interactions with the environment around, nature, things and people, both  through action and through language”
·         An educationalist L. S. Vgyotsky talks about “social constructivism” means, it is effective learning strategy “ children in classroom encourage to collaborate and discuss with each other”
2.       Advantages of peer learning
·         A child get confident
·         Sharpen the knowledge
·         Peers are familiar with each other so  there is no hesitation and they learns quickly
·         In the peer learning, the teacher is not in the picture of the learning process
·         No fear  of asking again and again
·         It builds among peers teamwork, patience, communication skill, decision making, care and love for each other, building various perspective, ownership towards work etc.
·         It pushes lower performing students to participate
3.       Types of groups
-. Random grouping
- Student choice
- mixed ability
- Leveled grouping
        4. Teacher as facilitator
·         Teacher has to communicate specific and clear norms
·         Allot the job of each students equally
·         Give assignment to student as per skill level
·         Praise each group
·         Changing the groups periodically
4.       Quiz
In this a presenter ask the question  to answer by giving option in which audience need to choose.

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